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shouldn't xp consider peers count

consider a user having 10 followers and another having 100 followers
it's much harder for the first one to keep up his xp with the one having 100 followers - e.g. the second user easily gets 10+ likes / 10+ comments on an interesting post while the first one hardly ever (as his cubbie posts are hardly viewed by others than those 10 people following him) !

to be completely fair xp should adapt on inactive lives (for say a week) and the should become "zombies" not counting into user's xp ...

besides there if it's considered there should be a weight mapping function - as the user should not be on a hunt for peers (remember this is not facebook).

kares , 14.01.2011, 15:55
Idea status: under consideration


peersone, 17.05.2011, 13:01
peersone is a social game, so your peers play huge role in your game experience, your followers validate your life, they check that you are posting interesting and true things - if you want to get more xp, then post stuff that is interesting to others and get their attention

if you have a bunch of friends who are just thumbing your posts their impact is going to be close to zero, so the system is quite just

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