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Invitation request

When somebody new wants join PeersOne, he does not have way how to do it, right now - but P1 is going to be famous and will be fine have list of potencial user when we'll ready to open our gates to everyone.

This approach is very common in Google - all new services open their gates to new user very slowly - because of marketing and other things.

Jiri , 11.02.2011, 11:30
Idea status: rejected


peersone, 11.02.2011, 12:22
de-ja-vu :) ?
this was in the project log before but we decided to not implement it anymore as it makes not that much sense anymore ... and deleted the story completely (if I recall correctly)
Jiri, 11.02.2011, 12:30
Well, the problem is, that our "private beta" period seems to be quite long. Maybe we should think about that feature again.

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